Here is a guide to properly place a LoRaWAN gateway in a food establishment:
The gateway should be placed in a central location that is easily accessible for maintenance purposes and allows for maximum coverage within the establishment.
Network coverage
Ensure that the gateway is connected to the internet with a stable and fast connection.
The gateway should be securely mounted in a location that is protected from physical damage and high temperatures.
Power source
Provide a reliable and constant power source for the gateway, such as a wall outlet or UPS.
Antenna placement
Height: The antenna should be placed at a height that provides maximum coverage within the establishment. A general rule of thumb is to place the antenna as high as possible while still ensuring it has a clear line of sight to the sensors and devices. This may be difficult with some sensor types, like temperature sensors that go inside of a refrigerator or freezer.
Orientation: Orient the antenna vertically to achieve maximum coverage. Horizontal orientation may result in decreased coverage and reduced signal strength.
Clear line of sight: The antenna should have a clear line of sight to the sensors and devices within the establishment. Avoid placing the antenna near objects that may obstruct the signal, such as metal structures, walls, or other electronic devices.
Minimize potential interference from other electronic devices such as Wi-Fi routers and microwaves.
After installation, it's important to ensure that it is functioning properly and covering the desired area.