Welcome to the world of IoT and ConnectedFresh! This article will guide you through the process of setting up your Dragino LSN50-V2- Waterproof Long Range Wireless LoRa Sensor, which runs on the LoRaWAN network. With just a few simple steps, you'll be up and running in no time. Let's get set up!
Clean the surface you prepare to tape the sensor on and let it dry
Peel attached 3M double-sided mounting tape
Secure the sensor in place on the wall
Note: The sensor is shipped with “on” position by default. If you need to reboot the device, you would need to open the sensor and put the jumper to power on device as in the picture below:
Monitoring Your Data
You can view your data in real-time by logging in to the ConnectedFresh portal: https://dashboard.connectedfresh.com. If you have not yet activated your account, you should have received an email with an activation link. If you can't find the email or the link has expired, please reach out to ConnectedFresh Support at support@connectedfresh.com.
That's it! Your LSN50 Waterproof Long Range Wireless Sensor is now set up and ready to use. If you have any questions or encounter any problems, please don't hesitate to contact ConnectedFresh Support for assistance.